Wednesday March 26, 2025 10:00am - 1:30pm EDT
Over One Million Smiles! For over 20 years Jared Boxes have delivered countless smiles, laughter, and hope to children in hospitals nationwide. The mission of The Jared Box Project is to lift the spirits of children in the hospital. A Jared Box is a plastic shoebox filled with small gifts, toys, cards, games, and other fun activities.

Join us to learn more about this uplifting story and make a Jared Box!

The children of Our Lady of Victory School in State College, Pennsylvania, started the project to honor their classmate, Jared. He was a brave little boy who battled cancer with courage and faith that continues to inspire us all. Since then, over one million Jared Boxes have been delivered to over 550 hospitals. Boxes filled with the “gift of play” are given to young patients in emergency rooms, hospital rooms, surgical centers, and clinics. We are a ‘Give Local’ project. Thousands of groups have made Jared boxes for hospitals in their communities. Children and their parents are so thankful for these boxes that showcase the importance of play and are filled with well wishes, hope, and love. We picked up where Jared left off and share toys with children in the hospital.
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Cindy Kolarik

Executive Director, The Jared Box Project
Cindy Kolarik is the Founder and Executive Director of The Jared Box Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing joy and hope to children in hospitals. A graduate of West Virginia University, Cindy holds an MBA and a degree in accounting. She is also an active community... Read More →
Wednesday March 26, 2025 10:00am - 1:30pm EDT
Noontime Lounge, HUB-Robeson Center

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